Welcome to my blog
♥ Heart On My Sleeve ♥
“Soul Repair Not Divorce Despair”
Think of this as a “Soul Survivor’s” guide for Divorcees to get you through the heartache, the soul searching, holding it together for the kids, and yes- dating again! Wherever you might be in your journey, I hope you can find articles that will inspire you, make you laugh, and let you know that you are not alone. The one thing that truly got me through the tough times of divorce was my friends! So I dedicate this site to you! You know who you are…I promise to change the names to protect the innocent and the “not” so innocent. ;o) From long nights of tearful phone calls to literally lifting me up from the puddle that was me on the floor– my friends, my community, my family got me through it. So that’s why I am here for you!! Let my story help your story! Remember, you are never alone in this!
*Alix Stone
Visit me at Instagram! @soulsurvivor_alix_stone
aka: Soul♥Survivor