Forgiveness For You

forgiveness for you


“You’ll realize how strong you are when you finally forgive someone who isn’t sorry.”      – Horacio Jones


What is it like to forgive someone who isn’t even sorry? How about just to forgive? The saying I found myself repeating again and again after my husband of 13+ years cheated on me was – “I’ll forgive but I won’t forget”. It wasn’t until my love, Derek, my first love after my divorce, taught me…but you have to forget too. My heart couldn’t surrender to that…I try but I can’t. How do You forgive? Are you a “forgive and don’t forget” person; or a “forgive and forget” person? Or do you hold onto the pain forever to remind yourself—to catch yourself—like a rubberband around your wrist—SNAP!

forgiveness for you

What I have learned through my 40 years is that in order to move forward you must forgive. Whether you stay with this partner, leave forever, or even keep a friendship…you have to forgive to move forward for Yourself! Forgiveness gives you a sense of letting go…freeing yourself from the past pain. If you hold on to that and do not forgive, then you are holding onto that pain. What good does that do but keep you in a state of hatred, fear and sadness?

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Your Inner Voice

your inner voice


“The inner voice is something which cannot be described in words. But sometimes we have a positive feeling that something in us prompts us to do a certain thing. “     -Mahatma Gandhi


We have all had that moment in our lives where your “inner voice” is trying to tell you something. Maybe it was when you were a little girl and you had that lump in your throat because you were going to go along with the “other girls” with something bad. Maybe it’s when you were taking a risk and that voice stepped in and said, “YESSS! You got this girl!” Think about how that felt…where the feelings were in your body? Lump in your throat? Catch in your breath? Voice in your head?   No you are not crazy….totally human…and a woman with a 6th sense! We all have it…it’s just how “in tune” we are with it. So what do we do with that intuition? How do we let it help us make decisions in our life’s path?

your inner voice

In my almost 14 year marriage to my ex-husband, I fell asleep at the wheel, which was my marriage. I lost not only my outer voice but also the ability to listen to my inner voice. I pushed MUTE on my intuition, telling myself; this is just what it is to be married and to be married to Mark. I had muted her so much that my body was now screaming at me! Thirty-five pounds later and 3 years of painful sex— I had myself convinced that I either had cancer or some rare disease! My doctor sent me to 2 different specialists to perform various tests, ultrasounds, etc. to find out why I had such pain during intercourse. All doctors sat scratching their heads…they had no idea. But my body knew something was wrong…the only way to protect myself was to close my legs to my husband. Then the voice in my head got louder until one day driving home from the gym, I heard her loud and clear! “CHECK HIS PHONE!”

Continue reading “Your Inner Voice”

How We Perceive Our Challenges

how we perceive our challenges


“I’m just making a conscious choice to perceive challenges as something beneficial”     – Jim Carrey

We all have our “shit”– our challenges we face daily.  Whether it’s a sick parent, challenges with your children, tough job, or a failing marriage/relationship…our shit is our shit.  To each of their own, I like to say.  Don’t let Facebook or (Fakebook), as my 13 year old son calls it, let you think otherwise.  We all are telling our story in different ways.  So what are your challenges?  How do you perceive them?  How do you choose to react to them?

For me…it depends on my state of mind–my inner strength…my soul…my core.  If I’m not taking care of Me, then my inner strength is weakened.  I find myself in a monkey mind of story lines–one’s which may never be true–causing me to react in fear or sadness.  But it’s when we are facing these challenges that we learn so much from ourselves.  If you can stop the “monkey mind” and face your problem with an attitude of “what can I learn from this” , “how is this going to make me stronger”, “can I turn this around to be an A-ha moment”?  It’s all perception– awakening the mind to how to act not react.

When I found out my husband of 13+years had been cheating on me for more then half our marriage…don’t get me wrong— I did react!!  It was the famous “Fight or Flight” moment.  I literally threw up after discovering numerous women’s sexting conversations on his phone.  After a few moments in the bathroom, I looked in the mirror with puffy eyes and tears streaming down my face, I said, “Pull your shit together girl!”.  I proceeded down the hallway to where he slept, while our children lie peacefully in their beds.  Grabbing the baseball bat, we have under the bed, I leaned over his sleeping body as he snored so heavily in his slumber.  I wanted so badly to hurt him the way my heart was hurting…I raised the bat toward his body—(my crazy Britney Spears moment) and then my little voice, my inner strength, whispered in my ear, “your babies are sleeping.”  My beautiful children, whom I made with this man, were sleeping in the next room.  They almost never heard us fight and never knew their perfect little world would soon be over.  I lowered the bat, left the room, and sobbed as my  heart broke into pieces.   I then made a choice at that very moment…My children!  I am MAMA BEAR, hear me roar!!!   I made a choice to slowly, methodically, and calmly handle this challenge with grace and love–not fear.  Now don’t get me wrong–there is more to this story– but I knew that night that he had just given me a gift!  A gift of a new life!  A gift of my children!  And a gift of me finding inner strength I never knew I had.  He awoke the sleeping Phoenix in me and I would rise again.

And wherever you are in your challenges, you can find a gift also.  What good can come out of your situation?  Sometimes they are hidden and take time to see; but trust me…they are there.  Awaken your mind to changing your perception– you will find your strength!

–Soul ♥ Survivor

*Great short featuring Jim Carrey’s speech of choosing “Love not Fear”

Hello World!

See the heart on my sleeve

Welcome to my blog –  Heart on My Sleeve – “Soul Repair Not Divorce Despair”

see the heart on my sleeve




Think of this as a “Soul Survivor’s” guide to get you through the heartache, the soul searching, holding it together for the kids, and yes- dating again!  Wherever you might be in your journey, I hope you can find articles that will inspire you, make you laugh, and let you know that you are not alone.  The one thing that truly got me through the tough times of divorce was my friends!  So I dedicate this site to you!  You know who you are…I promise to change the names to protect the innocent and the “not” so innocent.  ;o)  From long nights of tearful phone calls to literally lifting me up from the puddle that was me on the floor– my friends, my community, my family got me through it.  So that’s why I am here for you!!  Let my story help your story!  Remember, you are never alone in this!

*Alix Stone

Visit me at Instagram! @soulsurvivor_alix_stone

aka: Soul♥Survivor